
Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Deciding my future Essay Example for Free

Deciding my future Essay A dream is not something to scoff at. Dreams always seem out of reach, a siren call that leads you to new, uncharted waters. Achieving one’s dream would be to reach a true pinnacle of life; however, the road to a dream is fraught with risks. To give achieving this dream your all might be the only way to reach one’s true potential, yet it may also lead to a bitter and disappointing end. With this in mind, I have often put off achieving my own dreams. I was so frightened by the possibility of failure that I dared not even try, instead resigning myself to a life of mediocrity. However, my dreams were given life by the encouragement of my parents to not settle for less. My dreams are not a trifle, an easily obtainable goal. My ultimate goal is to be a leading Video Game Designer, to create adventures and stories that resonate with the world and revolutionize storytelling in gaming. The mere immensity of this task was enough to make me shudder in fear. I looked my dream in the eye and thought it too immense. I would have resigned myself to a life of normalcy were it not for my parents, who did not want me to settle for any less then what I was capable of. They had just discovered a college that was about to open up a new major for Video Game Development, and encouraged me to face my fears and try to achieve my dreams. They pushed me to achieve my dreams, knowing that this college would be twice as expensive as a regular school. This encouragement led me to attempting to try and chase my dreams, to have some hope that what I wanted was possible, and to never give up on my dream. Becoming a game designer is not easy. It is even more difficult if you have dreams as large and grand as mine are. The mere thought of the immensity of this task, and my preconceived notions of my own inferiority, drove me away. However, I realized that, although a dream is rarely the easiest path, and instead it is more often than not the hardest path of all, to not even try to reach ones dream is to give up on life. The path I chose may not be the easiest path, and yet I walk down it knowing full well it might end in heartbreak. I do this knowing that, if I had given up, then I would never have known if I could do it, and spend the rest of my life mourning what could have been. Again, were it not for my parents encouragement, I would never have even attempted to chase my dream. No matter how much you want something, it is impossible to achieve it if you have no hope it could succeed. A sense of hope that what you want could be possible is a vital component to making it possible. This was something I had lacked prior to my parents encouragement. I was so frightened by what I wanted to do, I had no hope it was possible. Without hope, I would not even try, for why try when you are certain you will fail? My parents helped me believe that I COULD do it, that there was a chance, and that chance was all I needed. No matter the odds facing me, I had to have hope that it was possible to overcome. Even when you want something and work very hard, it is all too possible you will fail at first. The old adage, â€Å"If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again† works beautifully in this scenario. No matter how many times you are beat down, no matter how many times I fail in convincing people to work to my dream to companies to invest in my dream, I must perspire. If a dream is weak enough to be broken at the first sign of trouble, then it was never truly one of these â€Å"dreams† of which I speak, so much as it was a passing fancy. A true dream is not something one would ever give up on, and neither should I, for although there are many obstacles I must overcome to achieve my dream, to give up my dream would be to give up on my happiness. The dream of which I seek is a lofty one, and there is little chance it will be easy. However, no matter the cost or hurdle I must overcome, I have decided to reach my dream. This courage to face the impossible would not have occurred however without the support of my parents who have helped me and want me to reach my full potential, so thanks to them, even if I do not reach my dream, I will have tried; and the fact that I will try shall be the greatest gift my parents would ever have given me.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

How to Nurture a Friendship :: Friendship Essay

How to Nurture a Friendship A friend is someone who cherishes the special moments and memories of life with another person. A friend is a trustworthy companion. Friendship is a relationship which takes time to build. There are many steps and stages to achieving a true friendship. However, one can think building a friendship is like planting a garden. For many people, planting a garden represents, devotion and leisure. It takes patience to grow a garden, frustrations and hardships are also involved in the process. Firstly the seed is planted. The seed builds the foundation of a strong and stable plant. It has to be taken care of and watered daily. Then the shoots start sprouting, the plant is finally flourishing. One can see day by day the garden maturing. Then one day the garden starts to wilt, its dying. One has to tend to it and have the patience and determination to bring it back to life. It frustrates one to see the insects and predators preying on the beautiful garden that once existed. But hard work and devotion regains the gardens beauty and gives it life again. Soon a shoots blossom an bloom into beautiful flowers. The charm and divine beauty of the garden is a wonderful enlightening sight. Building a friendship has similar characteristics. One meets a person and plants the seed of friendship. The friendship builds and continues to grow stronger. It requires devotion of time and patience to achieve peak communication between the two companions. The struggle to keep a solid friendship includes many obstacles and hardships. But compromising, devotion and the willingness to endure is bound to payoff in the end. As Bernard Wolf quotes ^It takes a long time to grow an old friendship^. Friendship has its good and bad times. There comes a time when the relationship is just not working. It is preoccupied with disagreements and quarrels. It is on the verge of destruction. One must have the patience to deal with such frustrations. The willingness and determination to get the relationship working again come within. Compromising and persistence rebuilds the friendship and is once again reestablished. As Socrates once said ^Be slow to fall into friendship, but when thou art ! in, continue firm and constant^. The friendship is blooming and is finally on its peak. Its great to have a strong and stable relationship which allows the two companions to share the joys and memories of life together. How to Nurture a Friendship :: Friendship Essay How to Nurture a Friendship A friend is someone who cherishes the special moments and memories of life with another person. A friend is a trustworthy companion. Friendship is a relationship which takes time to build. There are many steps and stages to achieving a true friendship. However, one can think building a friendship is like planting a garden. For many people, planting a garden represents, devotion and leisure. It takes patience to grow a garden, frustrations and hardships are also involved in the process. Firstly the seed is planted. The seed builds the foundation of a strong and stable plant. It has to be taken care of and watered daily. Then the shoots start sprouting, the plant is finally flourishing. One can see day by day the garden maturing. Then one day the garden starts to wilt, its dying. One has to tend to it and have the patience and determination to bring it back to life. It frustrates one to see the insects and predators preying on the beautiful garden that once existed. But hard work and devotion regains the gardens beauty and gives it life again. Soon a shoots blossom an bloom into beautiful flowers. The charm and divine beauty of the garden is a wonderful enlightening sight. Building a friendship has similar characteristics. One meets a person and plants the seed of friendship. The friendship builds and continues to grow stronger. It requires devotion of time and patience to achieve peak communication between the two companions. The struggle to keep a solid friendship includes many obstacles and hardships. But compromising, devotion and the willingness to endure is bound to payoff in the end. As Bernard Wolf quotes ^It takes a long time to grow an old friendship^. Friendship has its good and bad times. There comes a time when the relationship is just not working. It is preoccupied with disagreements and quarrels. It is on the verge of destruction. One must have the patience to deal with such frustrations. The willingness and determination to get the relationship working again come within. Compromising and persistence rebuilds the friendship and is once again reestablished. As Socrates once said ^Be slow to fall into friendship, but when thou art ! in, continue firm and constant^. The friendship is blooming and is finally on its peak. Its great to have a strong and stable relationship which allows the two companions to share the joys and memories of life together.

Monday, January 13, 2020

Future in Psychology

When going into the field of psychology, one is able to explore many different careers. In this paper I will exam the career of teaching, and talk about the requirements one must obtain to become a teacher. I will also discuss the training for this field, preparations one should make when entering this field and the salary and advancement this field offers. When choosing what field one wants to go into, one should choose what they are interested in. I chose teaching because I like working with children and enjoy being a part of a child's growing up experience. By choosing the psychology, special education major, it allows me to do the career I wanted. In the past ten years, the enrollment in teaching training has increased. More and more people are choosing teaching as their profession. The requirements from the Department of Education are different for each state. At Marist College, they offer a New York State approved and registered undergraduate programs. This certification leads to different fields that one can go into. For example, one could chose, elementary and special education, which gives them a dual certification. This specific certification gives a background in liberal arts and in psychology. Graduates of this program are prepared to teach in a regular elementary classroom and are also able to teach in a setting with students that have special educational needs. The requirements for the program are that one must have a grade point average of a least 2.7, and have grades of a least a C+ in all courses in the professional sequence. Candidates in New York state must pass two exams and have three letters of recommendation. Teachers work thirty-five to forty weeks for a ten- month school year. An average salary in New Jersey's public schools for preschool is about 24,665 dollars per year. State wide elementary teachers earn an average of 45,880 per year. Substitute teachers earn eight dollars and ninety-two cents per hour. Once employed advancement comes with higher pay for experience and additional education. A teacher may obtain their tenure after a three-year probationary period. The employment for teaching jobs is expected to grow about as fast as the average for all occupations through the year 2005. The employment growth is compared to the population growth. The supply of teachers will increase as improvement of job prospect increases. The public and state agencies are demanding higher standards in public education. Therefore, teachers will not only be in demand programs, but will need stronger backgrounds in education and psychology. The enrollment in teaching training has also increased within the past five years. I conclusion, the psychology, special education major is one that will prepare me for my career choice. Teaching is an important career and one that requires not only a solid education, but a love for children. It does have some requirements that may be difficult to obtain, but in the long run it will make it easier to obtain a good job. Teaching is a career that offers different things. By developing one's skills in basic reading, writing and math, one is able to give students the skill they need.

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Zachary Taylor - US President Facts

Zachary Taylor (1784 - 1850) served as Americas twelfth president. However, he died after only a little more than a year. This page provides a quick list of fast facts for Zachary Taylor. For more in depth information, you can also read the Zachary Taylor Biography  or the Top 10 Things to Know About Zachary Taylor.   Birth: November 24, 1784 Death: July 9, 1850 Term of Office: March 4, 1849-July 9, 1850 Number of Terms Elected: 1 Term; Zachary Taylor died after serving a   little more than a year in office. Doctors believe his death was caused by cholera morbus contracted from eating a bowl of cherries and drinking a pitcher of iced milk on a hot day. Interestingly, his body was exhumed on June 17, 1991. There was a belief by historians that he might have been poisoned due to his stance against allowing slavery to extend to the western states. However, the researchers were able to show that he had not, in fact, been poisoned. He was later reburied in his Louisville, Kentucky mausoleum.   First Lady: Margaret Peggy Mackall Smith Nickname: Old Rough and Ready Zachary Taylor Quote: It would be judicious to act with magnanimity towards a prostrate foe.Additional Zachary Taylor Quotes Major Events While in Office: Zachary Taylor was renowned in the United States before becoming president as a war hero. He had fought in the War of 1812, the Black Hawk War, the Second Seminole War, and the Mexican-American War. In 1848, he was nominated by the Whig Party as their presidential candidate even though he was not present at the convention and had not put his name forward to run. Ironically, he was informed by letter of the nomination. However, he would not pay the postage due and did not actually find out he was the nominee until weeks later.   During his short time as president, the key event occurred was the passage of the Clayton-Bulwer Treaty between the United States and Great Britain.The treaty dealt with the status of colonization and canals in the countries of Central America. Both countries agreed that from that date on, all canals would indeed be neutral. In addition, both countries stated that they would not colonize any part of Central America.   Related Zachary Taylor Resources: These additional resources on Zachary Taylor can provide you with further information about the president and his times. Zachary Taylor BiographyThis article takes a more in depth look at the twelfth president of the United States including his time as a war hero. You will also learn about his childhood, family, early career, and the major events of his administration. Chart of Presidents and Vice PresidentsThis informative chart gives quick reference information on the presidents, vice-presidents, their terms of office, and their political parties. Other Presidential Fast Facts: James K PolkMillard FillmoreList of American Presidents